Contact Us

Get In Touch

Call for inquiries or visit our website at 

If you know someone with Leukemia, Lymphoma or Melanoma, please have them call City of Hope at 1-626-256-HOPE (4673) or Leukemia Lymphoma Society at 1-800-955-4572

Need Advice?

Contact Positive to participate in Team events, for access to free upcoming nationwide professional rounds, speaking engagements & promotions.

Seeking a CARES PACKAGE or gift items for a young male or female with an illness?

If you want to contribute or help in a way not specified here, please CONTACT US and feel welcome to use the Chat Box on this site.

Your help can support local, national and international CARES programs with travel and housing scholarships. Pattye Anderson is the legacy spokesperson for Andrew Pounders. She introduces this venture in remote areas and seeks individuals to deliver custom crafted CARES packages.

Use this link to complete a volunteer form: